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Another long weekend – what will you do?

Another long weekend is upon us! While it has been a summer like no other, we can still enjoy an extra day of fun, safely and close to home. What will you do? The possibilities are endless.

Here are some suggestions:

Plan a bike ride: Pick a destination, pack some snacks, water, and take a ride.

Visit a local farm stand/market: But, get there on your own steam—walking, biking, rollerblading, whatever you decide, do it on your two feet. And, the reward of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables make for the perfect snack to refuel for the trip home and time to plan a delicious meal.

Walk your dog: Our furry friends love to get out with us. Consider a different route, neighborhood, park or trail to add to the adventure.

Pool or Beach time: If you are fortunate enough to have a pool, set aside some family pool time. Play a game, have some conversation, and laugh. For those with access to a safe waterfront or beach, enjoy    swimming, jumping and sandcastles, no matter what your age. Bring along some snacks.

Go for a hike: Grab your shoes, pack your snacks, and hit the trail. Whether it’s an hour or longer, flat or uphill, find a destination and enjoy it.

Play on the water: If you don’t have your own watercraft, consider renting. Try your hand at SUP (stand up paddle boarding), windsurfing, kayaking, or canoeing. Consider going at sunrise or sunset for added adventure and beauty.

Garden: Get your hands dirty completing yard work, pruning, watering or pulling weeds. Pick a bouquet of flowers from your own garden or snack from your home-grown fruit and vegetable crop.

Clean house: An AC-friendly activity, turn up the radio, put on your favourite tunes and challenge yourself to a speed clean. If you must do it, it might as well be fun!

Take a long walk through your neighborhood: In the evening, the weather cools slightly, and it can be a nice way to unwind and get you ready for a good night’s sleep. And maybe, stop for an ice cream cone along the way!

Whatever you choose, follow COVID 19 social distancing guidelines, wear a mask when you can’t socially distance or as required by local public health agencies, and wash your hands often. Getting active, having fun and feeling good is the main thing but not at the risk of our community. As for me, I best get planning as I will probably complete this entire list.


Registered Kinesiologist

and Long weekend lover!

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